3 Different Cruises, All Worthwhile
Whales or Fjords? How can you pick? We took in a Bonne Bay morning tour and though we didn’t see whales, we enjoyed 4 dolphins dancing, and laughed during the amusing and informative tour. The next day, we headed up to the Western Brook Pond tour – we loved the walk but I can see how this is a barrier for some. I completely appreciate that environmental protection is important. The Western Brook Pond tour is stunning, such tall cliffs, with surroundings like something out of a Lord of the Rings movie. Well worth it, and the Parks Canada building has good washrooms, trinkets and snack options too. Finally, it turned out a friend’s band was playing the Sunset cruise in Bonne Bay. So back we went for a rollicking good time of East Coast music, drinks from the bar, and what turned into a Kitchen Party. The sunset was beautiful, we almost saw a Minke whale, and it was well worth a third cruise. Lots of boat rides, but a great way to see Gros Morne.
Carolyn S ,
Mississauga, Ontario